Esailing match racing Loki's Cup 2019First international esailing match racing event |
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The Official timing from Round Robin 1 is now from : Thursday 2nd of May 10h GMT, to Monday 6th of may 23h GMT
, Round Robin 2 should shortly follow and final phase should start around the 20th
There is no exact duration set as we are experimenting, altought goal is to keep momentum.
plans are :
We will try to accomode people as much as we can, and not overlapp with other main events.
Following the invitation to join the event, participants will need to register to 2 additionals services :
To toornament, a web site to host tournament management. where participants will see updated results and also self reports results.
if need support on toornament contact L1.
To discord, a pc / mobile chat app oriented for gamers where participants will be able to communicate quickly with one another.
We will be using an existing discord group : VRI Sailing Club : INVITE TO JOIN WILL BE SENT BY EMAIL, after toornament registration
there are 2 channels dedicated to this discuss this event.
Any questions should be asked there.
if in need of support on discord contact L1, lukasMohr or RedDragon.
We will ask everyone to do a screen capture of every duel results, and best even to record the race.
This will allow to sort any dispute on result reporting. Again the success rely on people reporting results truthfully.
someone caught trying to cheat the system will be expelled immediately and replaced by someone from the pending list.
We encourage everyone to cast on twitch or record and upload on youtube or any other video feed.
We will provide assistance to do so
Semi and Final should (if permitted) be also live casted.
Is there any price or anything to win?
Currently there is nothing to gain but some pride.
We are trying to get some small perks for the podium. We will let you know if anything arrise.
How many players are expected?
We hope to have the largest number of player, but we also need to cope with the underlying organisation, therefore it is currently capped at 36 players.
Bear in mind this is a first of a kind, and we are experimenting here. If all goes well we will definilty have more participants in the future.
A pending list will be kept open, and we will propose to people to take over any dropping participant
What happens if we are not 36?
If we are 24 or 30 instead of 36, round robin will be organized a bit differently but with same spirit.
What are the rules to follow?
We run on Virtual Regatta inshore, therefore, the rules as implemented are "THE" rules. There can not be any complain on misjudement.
If a player quits, DNF, disconnect, DNS etc he should be considered as a loss and there should not be a right to rematch (unless agreed between players - which we expect would be the fair way)
Obviously if the disconnection happen before the start, and its obvious to the other that it did not make any action, we also expect people to be fair and rematch.
How are duel organized?
It is the responsability of each player to check the game he needs to play on toornament, get in touch with each other and setup a timing and duel each other within the period.
one can do each game of the round robin in no particular order.
if game are not played in time, people will be considered dropping and will either be replaced or give victory to others.
Which account should i use?
we expect people to use their main account but one can also use another account provide that it contains their "known" name. (due the fact that boat need to 'friend' to race against each other)
it should be the also the name used in toornament registration.
Who is the organisation?
its a groups of indépendant esailors.
I (L1) will be the main umpire, but also a competitor, and there are others members in the orgs that have full control to also control me.
How do you sort ties in round robin?
principes are :
- keep only matches people have raced togheter, and see if tie is broken.
** addition for RR2
** if people are still tie, we will look if they (all) encoutered in RR1.
** if still untied, we will favor the one with most duels played in RR2. (- unless less played on good faith -)
- if tie remain (and if relevant) we will run another small round robin with just these person to solve tie.
- if tie is still not solved, we will use registration RR2 seed entry order to sort people.
Which boat shall be used?
As of now, we do not have control on that, as of now the duel boat is currently set as STAR
and I do hope that it stay this was until the end of this cup
we understood from VR that other boats may be illegible to Match Race at some time. AS of now j70 should be ok but 49er, f18, and nacra not.
I found others to be very agressive on MR, is it normal?
Match racing principle is really simple, one need to cross the finish line first, and one can use any means available in the book to reach that goal
including strongly controling the opponent, but there is no bad spirit intended, its just part of the game.
What rules differs in VRI from what i know?
Currently :
Where shall i find a crash course on Match Racing
The following introduction pretty much covers it. Basic Match Racing - Understanding the Game
Of course the Duel in virtual regatta is a much simplified version of it, but still feel close enought.
How shall we run a duel
When you know the group or league you are in you should make sure you have friended every person in the group
Then for each match, you should cordinate, either in discord or vr chat, how and when to proceed with the duel
people should also talk just before starting the duel to know if they are both ready.
When game is finished people should screen capture the result, and keep them.
both player should coordinate to know who will report in Toornament the result, and in any case the second player should double check ( and possibly dispute the result ) on toornament.
How to report a result
Please see How to report result in toornament
How to follow the result?
Toornament has nice feature to see group results (there are also html widget available)
Or even an Animation made for TV display
How are going to be handled people that drops?
How to create screen capture
How to record race on PC
How to record screen on IOS ?
using IOS 12 recording, more info here
Any other question please ask in discord.